Case Study: EHR Implementation

Helping a worksite health and patient engagement company implement Epic in 300+ locations in U.S. and around the world.

Our Challenge

One of the nation’s largest direct access care organizations needed an experienced team to support an Epic implementation across their 300+ worksite- based health and wellness centers in the U.S. and around the world.

Our Solution

To assemble the right mix of Epic implementation experts that the organization needed quickly, we assessed their resource needs and placed an experienced team that brought project management, implementation experience and credentialed training as well as legacy EHR and go-live support.

Pivot Point Consulting not only drove the Epic EHR application build, credentialed training and system activation, but also provided strategic project management experts, as well as NextGen and Greenway legacy systems specialists who worked in parallel with the Epic implementation team — including:

  • Epic Project Managers
  • EpicCare Ambulatory Analysts
  • Epic Cadence Analysts
  • MyChart Support Analysts
  • Epic Welcome Analysts
  • Credentialed Trainers
  • NextGen Legacy Analysts
  • Greenway Legacy Analysts
Provided leverage

and reduced costs in working with vendors

Increased average

reimbursement per patient revenue

Improved use

of EHR data for decision making

Supported Implementation Across

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