In a recent publication of The Checkup, a LinkedIn publication covering healthcare-related news, the question of how automation in the medical field might impact female workers in particular was reviewed.
Keith Olenik, one of Pivot Point’s Health Information Management consultants, was interviewed for the article. He provided insight into how he believes automation could displace women in the healthcare field. The question posed to Keith from Deputy Editor Jaimy Lee was the following: Will automation disproportionately impact female health care workers? In response, Keith offered his thoughts on the matter:
This should be of particular concern for the health information management field that has a predominantly female workforce. Increasing education and working to obtain new skills will be critical to the future.
Automation may provide a number of benefits for the healthcare field overall, especially regarding patient care. However, it’s also likely that it will also negatively impact the share of women who participate in the labor market. This is particularly so, as Keith stated, for women working in health information management.
As with all questions of healthcare equity, this will continue to be an ongoing discussion among experts. Additionally, leaders in the healthcare field should encourage ongoing training and learning among their direct reports, as well as advocate for equity measures within their place of work.
Are you curious about the other questions discussed in The Checkup’s latest edition? Read the full publication today to learn more about Japan’s health care system, retail health and more.